Community Consultation Survey

These surveys are now complete, and the results are discussed here. If you wish to comment please email us.

What is this all about?
Welcome to the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan Community Consultation. This is where you get to have your say about how you think Warmington should develop over the next decade and beyond. Do you want the village to expand? Do you want more affordable houses? Better footpaths and cycleways? Less traffic? More protection for green spaces and our heritage, or perhaps you’ve got some really good ideas about our community facilities? This is YOUR chance to say what YOU think about these and many other aspects of life in Warmington because as a community we are writing a Neighbourhood Plan which can give real weight to our community’s views about our local environment.

A Neighbourhood Plan is a legal planning document that can influence many aspects of future development. It can’t overrule all other plans but it can tell planners what is important to us and provide legal rules about development. The Plan is being written by the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan Project Group (WNPPG) on behalf of the Parish Council. This group only exists to gather evidence from YOU and then turn this into a planning document which MUST then be approved by YOU at a referendum – it must represent YOUR views and NOT just those of the PC or the WNPPG.

We had an event in October which attracted 160 people and from that we got a variety of views and comments and these now form the basis of this consultation but it’s not limited to that – feel free to comment on anything if you feel something needs to be done.

What do I have to do?
You don’t have to do anything if you don’t mind what happens to the village and the environment but it would really help us if you can complete part or all of this survey which has 6 sections about housing, the built environment, the natural environment, traffic and transport, community facilities and economic development. You can fill in the paper copy, print off extra copies of answer sheets for all members of your household, or you can do it all online whichever way you choose we need as many people as possible to contribute.

Isn’t planning complicated with lots of rules?
Yes it is which is why we are trying to provide some digestible background material to give you some help in answering some of the questions. This material is on this website and will also be available in printed form at public workshops which will be held during the consultation period and which will explain the planning process and what choices we can make. The consultation presents a number of options from which you can choose based on the issues already raised but you can also comment in more depth on anything at any time directly to us at

What happens next?
We get all the answers and try to turn them into Policies which have a legal status and Aspirations which express the community’s view in areas where we cannot dictate what happens – for example we can say we want more houses but we can only ask to have a new roundabout on the A605.

How do I complete this survey?
One printed copy of the survey will be delivered to every residence and this can be filled in and returned but the simplest way is to complete the survey online this will also help us as the data gets collated for us! It’s also easier for more than one household member to do the survey this way. You will be asked for your email address, this is not because we want to send you junk mail, its just to make sure we don’t get multiple surveys from random people. We may use your email to inform you of other events related to the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan. If you don’t want us to do this just tick the Please don’t contact me box on the survey.

The main online survey is here

There are also 3 other shorter online surveys you may like to complete:
for businesses, self employed and home workers in the parish
for organisations and groups in the parish
for everyone about future innovations

A planning policy note….
We know that Planning Policy is a bit of a minefield and whilst we are asking you to provide us with your opinions with the aim of turning them into policies there are some areas where we are not allowed to tread. Please don’t let that stop you from commenting on anything. If we can’t make a Policy then we will make an Aspiration which can be used to inform everyone what we want. If we can’t do anything about an issue that clearly concerns the community then we will make clear why this is and we will ensure that we find a way to promote strong community opinions in whatever way we can.

Further Information
There is plenty of background information about planning policies available through the Documents page, but there are brief background summaries for each core area that include the issues already raised here:

You can also make comments about the consultation by emailing to