There are national and local policies that guide the design of the built environment. These are used by local planning authorities – in our case East Northamptonshire Council – when considering planning proposals. The parish council and individuals can express their opinions on proposals, but these opinions will have no relevance unless they specifically relate to policies. The Warmington Neighbourhood Plan gives the chance for the community to develop an additional parish-specific local policy against which planning applications must be assessed
In 2002-4 a comprehensive Village Design Statement for Warmington was produced by the community. This describes the local environment and gives guidelines for developers and others on matters such as building materials. However, it has no weight in planning decision making – it’s advisory only.
We are looking to update the Village Design Statement as part of the process, and by using an updated Village Design Statement as part of the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan it has weight in the decision-making process.
Warmington is unusual among historic villages in not having a Conservation Area. East Northamptonshire Council has proposed that the core of the village is made into a Conservation Area, the purpose of which would be to ‘preserve and enhance’ its character.
Issues raised at open event
- New housing to be sympathetic to existing character
- New housing to be ecofriendly, green
- Create conservation area
- Encourage design innovation and eco features – PV, green energy, greywater recycling
- New houses to have adequate plots
- Less garden developments