This page contains information about the proposed Greenway link through Oundle to the Peterborough Green Wheel with details of the route options considered through and beyond Warmington and of works within Warmington to make the proposed route useable.
The Warmington part of the Greenway is planned to run from the parish boundary with Tansor on the ‘roman road’ (the track from Ashton) onto Taylor’s Green then up Spinney Close and through the village to Eaglethorpe, then under the underpass and along the bridleway (PD1) from the Mill past the phone mast, through the edge of The Fern woodland into the parkland of Elton Hall and down to the footbridge over the stream which is the parish boundary.
Much of this path is already fit for cycles but the bridleway PD1 is not. A grant from ENC has been secured to ensure this can be upgraded to make it fit for bikes and for the less able to access. Agreement has been reached with Elton Estates (the landowner) to do most of the route but agreement on the surface for the last 200m across the parkland to the stream has yet to be reached.
September 2020 – work disrupted, final surfacing delayed
The final surface layer of the path has been delayed by a combination of circumstances not least the re-starting of works to the reservoir. It is hoped that the final surface layer will be completed soon. Planning for the surface of the parkland section and a replacement bridge are ongoing.
Some photos of the path and bridge showing some of the problems are here.
Details of the disruption caused by the reservoir works are here.
First Phases Completed – May 2020
The first two sections of the bridleway PD1 have now been upgraded to be fully accessible to cyclists and other less able users such as those with mobilty scooters. The bridleway has a 2m wide surfaced section from the Mill past the Phone Mast to the gate to Elton Park. The section from the gate across the parkland to the footbridge has not been surfaced pending agreement with Elton Estates about the type of surface. There will also need to be work to the bridge and the path on the Elton side of the stream to make the path accessible to all and restore the traditional route between Warmington and Elton as a sustainable transport link.
Photos and videos of the completed works can be viewed here – there are also photos of the footbridge and remainder of the route to Elton included.
The surface has been laid during the Covid restrictions and its not perfect so will probably need some extra work either when the third section is completed or before that if this is delayed. The aim is to do the third section this autumn.
Work on the upgrade started on 14th April2020 during COVID restrictions causing the work to be more difficult and slower than normal -the original 3 week closure of the path has had to be extended to the 24th May but it is hoped work will finish before then.
Some photos of the initial clearance, levelling and base layer can be found here please note that the trees that appear to the side of the path are the remnants of trees that had already fallen across the path at various times and they’ve now been pushed to the side to ensure that the 2m wide surface can be constructed – the bridleway itself is meant to be maintained to a width of 15 feet! The verges to the new path will be formed before the loose surface layer is laid and then compacted.
Sustrans Final Report Oundle-Peterborough 22Nov18
Warmington-Elton Bridleway Map
July2020 Government Design Advice (Chapter 8 applies to this Greenway)