This page offers guides and tools to help anyone planning to build in Warmington to comply with the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan(WNP) and its Design Code, both of which form part of Statutory Planning Policy. Using these guides and tools can form an important part of the pre-application process and allow prospective developers to make contact with Warmington Parish Council (WPC) to discuss plans before applying for full planning permission. WPC encourages a collaborative approach to planning rather than an adversarial one, and want to help provide solutions rather than have arguments.
The WNP Policies
There are 12 WNP Policies, not all will apply to all developments, and it will be necessary to read the appropriate sections of the WNP to fully understand the intentions of the policies that apply.
Please use this summary checklist listing all the policies for some quick guidance and to evaluate any proposed development.
The Design Code
This code is part of the statutory planning policy and is enforced by Policy W3 of the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan:
Policy W3: Design Code for Warmington
Development proposals will be supported where they comply with the Design Code at Appendix 2 to this Plan.
Where practicable to the scale and nature of individual proposals, all new development should achieve net enhancements to the character of the village.
Design Code Guides and Tools
These guides provide summaries of the requirements for each type of development to help designers to ensure that each requirement of the Code is considered during the development of plans. They provide a tabulated set of requirements with examples. Associated interactive forms can be used to check compliance or explain where compromises may have to be made.
- Warmington Design Code Evaluation Guide-this guide explains the basic requirements for site and building design and has a checklist with examples
- Site Design Checklist for sites with Single and Multiple Dwellings
- this checklist can be used to check any site design
- Self assessment form for Site Design for Multiple Dwellings
- this interactive form will guide you through the specific requirements for sites with multiple dwellings
- Self assessment form for Site Design for Single Dwellings
- this interactive form will guide you through the specific requirements for sites with a single dwelling
- Self assessment form for Site Design for Extensions
- this interactive form will guide you through the specific requirements for extensions to existing houses
- Building Design Checklist for New Dwellings
- this checklist can be used to check any building design
- Self assessment form for Dwelling Design
- this interactive form will guide you through the specific requirements for all new dwellings
- Self assessment form for Extension Design
- this interactive form will guide you through the specific requirements for extensions to existing dwellings