Had YOUR Say?
The initial community consultation for the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan ran from 24th March to 1st May 2018 with the aim of gathering the opinions of as many residents, businesses and groups as possible so that the Warmington Neighbourhood Plan is truly a community driven plan.
The consultation involved a survey booklet being delivered to every house in Warmington. This outlined a number of options across the 6 core areas that the WNP is concerned with and the aim was to make the survey as easy to fill in as possible, however planning policy is by its nature complex and so background material for the 6 areas was also presented on this website and in a public meeting/workshop at the start of the survey period.
As well as the printed survey there was also an online version with the same questions – this was the preferred option for the organising group as it made data collection simpler but it was felt to be very important that residents were given a choice of how to respond.
Throughout the consultation period the survey was promoted by a series of posters within the village, by facebook campaigns, by a parish and village trail and by word of mouth.
The consultation had 281 completed surveys, 149 online and 132 written ones which are being manually entered into an online system to allow the answers to be collated – thanks to all those who wrote clearly!
The results will be published in two phases – an initial set of results showing a quick analysis of the numeric data and listing all other answers – then a final report once all the results are analysed in more depth. [25Oct18 – The final report is available here as an appendix to the First Draft Warmington Neighbourhood Plan ]