The Warmington Neighbourhood Plan Project Group has 9 formal members and will use other volunteers within working groups. The initial committee was formed by the WPC and four further volunteers have also committed to helping as full members. Others within the village have also offered to help and it is hoped to use their expertise in addition to the formal members within working groups. The WNPPG is also supported by the Clerk to the PC and a Planning Consultant:
Nigel Rudd PC representative . Chairman
Jo Simpson PC representative . Landowner identification
Steve Wallis PC representative . Social Media
Nikki Howard PC representative.
Paul Stamper Co-opted volunteer . Village Design Statement, Conservation Area
Steve Cheeseman . Co-opted volunteer . Admin, Website, Greenway
Paul Pateman . Volunteer FiveAll and other news outlets
John Godsland . Volunteer Coordination with village website, social media
Judy Stroud . Volunteer . Environment
Claire Bradley . Planning Consultant (Kirkwells)
Sarah Rodger . Clerk to PC