There are a number of higher level initiatives to promote the economic development of Northamptonshire but there are no specific actions regarding Warmington. While are a range of office developments making use of former farm buildings in the parish there are also disused facilities to the west of the A605 at the garage site and at the Mill. These are all privately owned.
The village also has an increasing number of small, home based businesses, as well as residents who increasingly work from home on a regular basis. We also benefit from the Red Lion pub, Glebe Stores and (possibly) the local butcher. The Neighbourhood Plan gives us the opportunity to identify ways of supporting existing business users and encouraging new initiatives, while also providing a case for enhancement of existing facilities such as high-speed broadband. While it will not directly impact all of these activities, it will identify the direction that the parish wishes to take, and also highlight areas where the Parish Council can act.
Issues raised at open event & in discussions
- The current services provided by the Red Lion and Glebe Stores should be supported and potentially enhanced.
- The Mill should be developed with a new use or new facilities to benefit the parish.
- As new homes and developments are built, and more people work at least part of the time at home, there will be further pressure on the capacity of phone and broadband within the parish. This needs to be recognised in working with developers on new sites when they come up for planning.