Community Facilities are important for Warmington Parish as a rural area community. They provide a focus for residents, spaces to hold events or meetings and are locally accessible. Use of the facilities can promote health and wellbeing, community cohesion and quality of life.
Whilst Warmington has a Village Hall provided for community use, other private/public facilities are also present within the Village area.
Through the Neighbourhood Plan, policies can be developed to protect the use of the community buildings for community uses, and requiring specific criteria to be addressed, should the buildings become redundant.
A list of the Community Facilities available for Warmington residents is as follows:
- Village Hall and car park – charity
- Warmington Primary School – Academy/County Council
- Church – Diocese
- Cemetery – PC
- Fun Field, Play Parks and Pocket Parks – PC
- Red Lion Pub – private
- Shop/Post Office – private
- Almshouses – charity
- Allotments – PC
- Boat Club – private
Issues raised at open event
- Better maintenance of the Fun Field and playpark
- Keep and encourage use of shop and pub
- More whole village events