The Warmington Neighbourhood Plan (WNP) became a ‘made’ plan on 17th December 2019 when it was adopted by East Northants Council (ENC) as part of statutory planning policy.
The made version of the WNP can be viewed and downloaded here.
The WNP was written by a group of volunteers who worked with the community to produce this plan on behalf of Warmington Parish Council. The WNP encourages everyone who is considering any development in Warmington of whatever size, from extensions to sites with multiple dwellings, to contact the PC early on in the planning process. A positive and collaborative engagement with the community at the pre-application stage is encouraged and should be beneficial for both the developer and the community.
Help is available on this site to allow prospective developers to understand the scope and objectives of the WNP in a practical way so that developments can be designed in compliance with the WNP Policies including the Design Code.